The impetus for the project was an indigenous branded product concept – marketed as “BlackFella Beef – Murri Yuri” and developed by Growing Central Queensland (GCQ) and Western Kangoulu and Wangan Jagalingou Indigenous Groups. The indigenous team leading this project aim to establish long-term sustainable businesses through building a value chain to profitable markets.

Their goals include:

 Common indigenous branding across disparate indigenous groups/communities across supply

 Strengthen the supply side of the beef value chain with improved property management.

 Increase employment for indigenous people throughout the supply chain

 Increase the number of indigenous social and profit making enterprises

 Improve education of indigenous people by increasing the number of food, agricultural and
logistics scholarships at schools and universities to support the development of the beef value

 Increase indigenous entrepreneurial opportunities aligned with ‘Blackfella Beef’ for example in the tourism sector.